- ChinesePaintings.com
Original Chinese art includes paintings and calligraphy
artworks. Traditional and contemporary themes.
http://www.chinesepaintings.com/ - categories -- Online
Gallery - Ethnic
- Chinese
Paintings Art
Traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy available
to purchase online.
http://www.chinesepaintingsart.com/ - categories --
Arts - Ethnic
- Hidden
Dragon Imports
Online store of art, tea products, pottery, and more
from East Asia. Products include pen and ink drawings,
teapots, tea, tea cups, handmade plates and bowls. Asian
products are sourced from China, Japan, and Taiwan.
http://www.hiddendragonimports.com/ - categories --
Arts - Ethnic
- Asian
Contemporary Asian decor creations from contemporary
Asian designers and fine artists. Allowing purchases
directly from Asia at the artists workshops prices.
Shipping by FedEx international available.
http://www.asiannouveau.com/ - categories - Art
Shopping - Ethnic
and Regional
- Zen
Dealers in Japanese art, artifacts and antiques, includes
original Japanese paintings and art prints.
http://www.zenkimono.com/ - categories - Art
Shopping - Ethnic
and Regional
- Submit
Art Shopping Site
List your site in the arts shopping category of the
Linkism Art Directory.
http://www.linkism.com/submit-art-site.htm - categories
- Art
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