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Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments Linkism - Musical Instruments

::: Art Directory> Music> Music Instruments
+ The Musical Instruments category includes instruments by genre and region. Also includes musical guides, instrument making details, tablature, lessons, and information on the musical instruments.

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Musician Blogs and News Journals Musical Instruments and Music Lessons

  • ASZA - Instruments Gallery new window -
    Detailed information on musical instruments from around the world with images and the history of each instrument. - categories - Musical Instruments
  • UM - Stearns Collection new window - university of michigan
    The Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments is one of the largest accumulations of such artifacts housed in a North American university. - categories - Musical Instruments
  • Wikipedia Profile new window -
    Comprehensive listing of musical instruments from around the world with details on the history and musical qualities of each instrument. - categories - Musical Instruments
  • Submit Your Musical Instruments Website new window - submit music website
    Submit your music instruments website, which includes music lessons, tutorials, tablature, and instrument building resources. - categories - Musical Instruments

::: Art Resources> Music Directory> Music Instruments Directory
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