- Link
Exchange Requests Article

When your website starts growing in popularity, you
will begin to get a steady stream of link exchange requests
from webmasters. Exchanging links can be an excellent
way of cheap marketing if it is done right. The Internet
has become what it is today because of websites linking
to each other. It is how news spreads and it's one of
the best ways to discover new sites relating to your
particular interests.
- Getting
Your Art Online Article

Having an online portfolio of art is now almost essential
for artists worldwide. It was once the territory of
the brave and adventurous to have your art displayed
online, but now it is only the foolish that do NOT have
their work online. Many savvy artists are even bypassing
traditional art galleries and making a comfortable living
selling their work online.
- Google's
PageRank Article

As you begin to become more involved in promoting your
web site online you will start to come across the PageRank
term more often. PageRank is a technology developed
by the Google search engine to measure the importance
of web pages, often referred to as PR. Some of the basics
of PageRank and how to improve the PageRank of your
of your website will be listed in this article.
- Art
Directories Article

If you build it, they don't necessarily just come. To
have a steady stream of visitors to your website you
have to continually have your website address in front
of people and one of the best ways to do that is to
have your site placed in good directories and link collections.
Having your link on as many good quality directories
and websites as possible also helps with being found
by search engines.